Maria Grazia and The Lungarotti Foundation
The welcoming smile and refined manners are what immediately strikes about Maria Grazia Marchetti Lungarotti. Yet the basis characterising her work in curating the Lungarotti Foundation and the museums in Torginao are rooted in her profound knowledge, passion for art and culture and the scholar’s rigour. Maria Grazia Marchetti Lungarotti is an Art historian and archivist living and working between Perugia and Torgiano. She is the author of several monographs and the curator of many national and international conferences and exhibitions. Among her many participations in cultural associations, she has been a member of the ICOM (International Council of Museums) since 1974, joined the promoter committee of AIMA (Italian Association of Museums of the Agriculture) in 1981, in 2001 she was one of the founding members of Museimpresa and in 2019 she became an AHAI member (Association des Historiens de l’Art Italien).
Step by step Our History

The MUVIT Wine Museum was inaugurated on April 23rd at the presence of the Minister for Education Franco Maria Malfatti. The museum was conceived by Giorgio and Maria Grazia Lungarotti in the spaces of the seventeenth-century Palazzo Graziani-Baglioni; it is intended to support the international wine economy and highlight the cultural aspects of wine and the vine over 5000 years of history.

The MUVIT becomes a member of ICOM, the prestigious international association of museums. The Tribunato dei Vini di Romagna recognizes the merit to Maria Grazia for her commitment to civilization and culture.
MUVIT joins the promoting committee of AIMA Italia, the association that coalesces agriculture museums within the UNESCO context.
An important selection of works from the museum is displayed in the exhibition of Renaissance Italian Ceramics in Tokyo.
The MUVIT becomes a seat of the FIDAM, the Italian Federation of Friends of the Museums.

The exhibition I segni dell'Arte is the first edition of the artistic exhibition created by Mario Lispi and promoted by Maria Grazia: Dionysos, an annual event that offers an articulated program of exhibitions and conferences on the occasion of the "Banco d'Assaggio dei Vini d'Italia".

The Fondazione Lungarotti Onlus is created, with the aim of formalizing the research and study activities related to the artistic-cultural heritage belonging to the MUVIT and, subsequently, to the MOO, as well as the cooperation with public and private cultural institutions, both Italian and international. In continuity with the initiatives carried out by the MUVIT, the cultural offer is strengthened.
Some important exhibitions are presented at MUVIT, followed by related conferences in the same context of the Dionysos event: Il filo di Arianna. Depiction and symbology of vine and the grape in the arts from the XVI to the XVIII century;

Maria Grazia publishes "The pleasure of the table" (Litostampa, Perugia): traditional recipes combined with wines, with iconography taken from paintings and engravings. The exhibition "Historical memory between Revolution and Restoration" takes place at MUVIT. Sketches and models from the late 17th to the mid-19th century, followed by a Study Conference at Le Tre Vaselle.

Alessandra Uncini and Mario Torelli curate the publication of catalogues such as: Torgiano Wine Museum. Archaeological materials and Torgiano Wine Museum. Ceramics (Electa Editori Umbri).

"Buon vino favola lunga" is published, the book includes ten thousand proverbs on the vine and wine, by Maria Luciana Buseghin, with iconographic research by Maria Grazia.
Maria Grazia publishes the booklet "Sosta a Torgiano", the first guide to the territory of Torgiano seen through its history, traditions, agricultural production, oenology and craftsmanship.
The Foundation is awarded the Tourmusée prize for "Regional Excellence" in Paris, Grand Palais, announced by the Ministry of Culture and Communication and by the French Ministry of Tourism in collaboration with ICOM, the English Tourist Board and ENIT.
The scientific catalogue "Torgiano Wine Museum. The engravings” (Electa Editori Umbri) is published.
"Itinerary. Guide to the Wine Museum" is also published, it is an analytical guide in Italian, English, French and German.

In the context of the doubling of the exhibition area, MUVIT welcomes the new collections of ex-libris, antiquarian publishing and engravings, already the subject of temporary exhibitions, along with over 100 waffle irons and the contemporary ceramic section.
the President of the Republic confers Maria Grazia the Silver Medal to the commendable in culture and the arts for her activity enhancing cultural heritage.

Some prestigious pieces from the MUVIT collections are displayed at the Faenza International Ceramics Museum in the “I Bianchi di Faenza” exhibition.
Maria Grazia receives the National Association of Wine Cities prize, conferred to her for her activity in favour of the promotion and enhancement of our country’s viticulture.

The MOO Olive and Oil Museum is inaugurated on May 1st in a small nucleus of medieval houses, formerly hosting an oil mill. The collections explore the themes linked to the mythological origins of oil and the use that has been made of it from antiquity to the present day.
Some of the museum’s works are displayed in Assisi, at the exhibition “Leonardo and Europe”.
The Lungarotti Foundation is a guest of honour at the Oleum fair at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence.
MUVIT participates in the exhibition “Les paysages de la vigne”, organised in Bordeaux by the Institut International des Paysages et Architectures Viticoles.
The Lungarotti Foundation is among the founding members of Museimpresa. The pocket volume "Itinerario, Guide to the Olive and Oil Museum”, is published. On the occasion of the Spoleto Festival of Two Worlds, the Foundation represents Umbrian entrepreneurship at the exhibition “L’ingegno del Fare. Small and medium enterprises for the development of the world” (Spoleto, Palazzo Collicola). The exhibition is presented in Milan, Umbria and Tokyo, as part of the Italy-Japan 2001 event. The Foundation participates in the exhibition "Ricerca: science and technology in Italy from the Renaissance to the present”, organised by the Italy in Japan Foundation at the Tokyo National Science Museum.
Maria Grazia is granted the Work Loyalty and Economic Progress, an award established by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Perugia.
In December, in the presence of the Prefect of Perugia Gianlorenzo Fiore, she is awarded the title of Commendatore of the Italian Republic.
In Castelfranco Veneto she is awarded the Radicchio d'Oro prize for excellence. On the occasion of Convivium 2002, a gathering of the Wine Tourism Movement associates, Maria Grazia is honoured, along with Luigi Veronelli, for her commitment in disseminating the culture of wine.

The Lungarotti Foundation organises the exhibition "Wine, oil, earth. From the territory to the table in Perugino's age" (catalogue by Alberto Grohmann, Silvana Editoriale ) in collaboration with the Umbria Superintendency for Historic-Artistic Heritage. The UMBRIAROMA 2004 award goes to Maria Grazia and other personalities from the Umbrian culture and business world.
The Lungarotti Foundation and MUVIT represent Italy at the Museé d’Aquitaine in Bordeaux at the exhibition "L’âme du vin chante dans les bouteilles".
On the occasion of the Rome Wine Festival, Publica and Gambero Rosso recognise MUVIT as the best wine museum of the year at national level.
Maria Grazia receives the "Taste Group" of the Foreign Press prize for her informative activity on the Italian wine culture. The video "One night at the Wine Museum, a dreamlike journey through the collections of the Torgiano museum", receives the Fosforescenza Award at the Italian-Puerto Rican Film Festival.
Maria Grazia is enrolled in the Golden Register of the Perugia Municipality. The volume "VINO Tra mito e cultura", curated by Maria Grazia and Mario Torelli, is published in Italian and English by Skira Editore.
In collaboration with Mainichi Newspaper and Takashimaya Department Stores, the Foundation organizes the traveling exhibition "In vino musae". Italian wine culture (Tokyo, Kyoto, Nagoya, Yokohama).
The National Association of Wine Cities, on the occasion of the celebrations for twenty years of activity, rewards the commitment of Maria Grazia, giving it the recognition of merit.
The book "Wine Between myth and culture" is selected among the 20 titles of the year in the "Books to taste" classification presented at the Turin International Book Fair.
The Lungarotti Foundation and the MUVIT represent Italy at the Museé d’Aquitaine in Bordeaux for the "L’âme du vin chante dans les bouteilles" exhibition.
On the occasion of the Rome Wine Festival, Publica and Gambero Rosso recognize MUVIT as the best wine museum of the year at national level.
Maria Grazia riceve il Premio del Gruppo del Gusto della Stampa Estera per la sua attività di divulgazione della cultura del vino in Italia.
Il video Una notte al Museo del Vino, viaggio onirico tra le collezioni del museo di Torgiano, riceve al Festival del cinema italo-portoricano il Premio Fosforescenza.
MUVIT dedicates a new section to the theme of “Wine as nourishment“. Maria Grazia receives the prestigious Bellisario award in the special category Made in Italy. By decree of the President of the Republic, Maria Grazia is awarded the highest honour of the State: Knight of the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.

In an article by Kate Singleton, the New York Times celebrates MUVIT as "the best wine museum in Italy".

MUVIT arrives at the Italian Center in Shanghai, as part of the "Tradition and Innovation" exhibition. Italy in China, promoted by the Milan Triennale and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In April the new section "The Dionysian myth in ceramics of the XV-XVIII centuries" is inaugurated at MUVIT. New publication: Regional History of Vine and Wine in Italy. Edited by Manuel Vaquero Piñeiro and promoted by the Italian Academy of Vine and Wine in collaboration with the Lungarotti Foundation. Maria Grazia receives the honorary award "MAESTRO DELL'OLIO".
In Paris, Maria Grazia is awarded the OIV 2012 award, in the Beaux-Arts section, for the publication Wine. Between myth and culture.
The Foundation participates in the creation of the book "The gift of Minerva. Iconography of the olive in Western culture between myth, religion and landscape" edited by Giuseppe Fontanazza, Giancarlo Gentilini and Jacopo Manna.

MUVIT turns 40 and celebrates the anniversary with a conference organised by Attilio Scienza: "Wine and the vine as a paradigm of cultural diversity between East and West". As a corollary, a special Rubesco Riserva Vigna Monticchio label is produced, in limited edition, depicting the Plate with Satyr by Jean Cocteau preserved in the contemporary ceramic section of MUVIT.

The Lungarotti Foundation lends 90 works of art to the "Culture of Wine" Pavilion at Expo Milano.

On the occasion of the 24th ICOM General Conference in Milan, Maria Grazia was commended "for her professional commitment to the continuous promotion of initiatives in support of cultural heritage and the museum sector".
MUVIT enters the "Top 10" of the most beautiful Wine Museums in the world, according to the ranking compiled by the London magazine The Drinks Business and in the "Top Choice Tourist Attraction 2016".
The regional catalogue of Umbrian cultural heritage dedicated to MOO is published.In December, Maria Grazia receives the "Thomas Dempster" award, Ippolito Rossellini Group. The regional catalog of cultural heritage of Umbria dedicated to MOO is published.
In December, Maria Grazia receives the "Thomas Dempster" award, Ippolito Rossellini Group.

The Foundation receives the Gavi La Buona Italia Award, for having "optimally interpreted the integration between hospitality, culture and wine".
In June, MUVIT hosts the press conference for the presentation of the European "Industriana" network of European sites and museums dedicated to industrial and technological heritage: 12 Umbrian excellences are selected to enter and become part of it, including MUVIT and the Lungarotti Company.
The Foundation wins the special prize for small and medium-sized businesses of the 2017 Corporate Art Awards.

The Lungarotti Foundation participates in the first meeting of the Wine Cities (World Wine Town) which takes place in the Museo de la Cultura del Vino del Vivanco, in Briones. On the occasion of the Italian Cuisine Week in the World, the Lungarotti Foundation, invited by the Italian Cultural Institute in Paris in collaboration with Sciences Po, is chosen as representative of the culture of wine and oil.

On May 24th "Triple twist" is inaugurated. The installation by the American artist Beverly Pepper, located in front of the Lungarotti company headquarters.
The Lungarotti Company wins the Matera 2019 "Open Future" tender: the future of Italian companies promoted by Confindustria in the year in which Matera is the European Capital of Culture.